CPR Training for Yoga instructors

To register for an upcoming course or if you have any further questions please give our staff a call - 781-854-8015.

As a yoga instructor you know the downward dog, but more importantly do you know save a life by performing CPR? Learning CPR could be the difference between life or death in a medical emergency, each second that goes by decreases the chance of survival by 7-10 percent. Make sure that you have the skills and confidence to perform high quality chest compressions, use an AED, or perform the heimlich maneuver.

At CPR of America we have certified hundreds of personal trainers and yoga instructors throughout Massachusetts. Our goal for each of our students is to provide them with the skills and technique to save a life. Throughout the course our staff of medical professionals will answer your questions, provide constructive criticism, and work individually with each student.

For Yoga instructors we recommend that you take the American Heart Association CPR and AED training, this course will include the following

·        Using a Pocket Mask to provide breaths

·        Providing high quality chest compressions

·        Use of an automated external defibrillator or AED.

·        Two rescuer CPR

·        And much more